Risk and uncertainty


Year 11 Business Studies Mapa Mental sobre Risk and uncertainty, criado por AyItsLily I em 26-04-2018.
AyItsLily I
Mapa Mental por AyItsLily I, atualizado more than 1 year ago
AyItsLily I
Criado por AyItsLily I mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Risk and uncertainty
  1. Risk...
    1. Risk: Chance that something positive may occur (AO1)
      1. + investing £1 million into a new business (AO2)
      2. - Reward outlines the possible return from taking a risk (AO1)
        1. 1) Quantifiable risk: Type of risk that we can put a value on and also has an element of predictability (AO1)
          1. + Theft of key equipment (AO2)
          2. 2) Un-quantifiable risk: Unexpected events that we cannot put a value on and is unpredictable (AO1)
            1. + Change in trend (AO2)
            2. Reducing the level of risk...
              1. - Diversify the customer base (AO1)
                1. - Good planning (AO1)
                  1. - Good relationships with suppliers (AO1)
                    1. - Don't over pay on assets (AO1)
                  2. Uncertainty...
                    1. Uncertainty: The inability to calculate the pros or cons of a decision (AO1)
                      1. + Investing £1 million into a new business without being able to calculate potential profits (AO2)
                        1. Internal...
                          1. 1) Technical uncertainty (AO1)
                            1. 2) Stakeholder uncertainty (AO1)
                              1. 3) Organisational uncertainty (AO1)
                              2. External...
                                1. 1) Economic uncertainty (AO1)
                                  1. 2) Political uncertainty (AO1)
                                    1. 3) Competitive uncertainty (AO1)
                                  2. - The business can plan for future problems (AO3)
                                    1. - More likely to be financially better off in harder times (AO3)
                                      1. - More money to advertise (AO3)
                                        1. - Make decision making quicker (AO4)
                                          1. - How well they can forecast future problems (AO4)
                                            1. - Whether they can meet their objectives (AO4)


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