

History Mapa Mental sobre Humanism, criado por Zoe Curtis em 01-05-2018.
Zoe Curtis
Mapa Mental por Zoe Curtis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Zoe Curtis
Criado por Zoe Curtis quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Sources
    1. Burke
      1. "an interest in Latin and Greek Literature"
      2. Holmes
        1. "learning ... values of ancient Greece and Rome"
        2. Dickens
          1. "creative study of Greek and Roman civilisation"
          2. Greenblatt
            1. "The Rome of the forum and the Senate House"
              1. "Latin language whose crystalline beauty filled him with wonder" [Poggio - scholar]
              2. Cicero, Orations
                1. "The best Orator"
                  1. "To teach them is his duty, to delight them is creditable to him, to move them is indispensable"
                  2. Vitruvius
                    1. "Ingenious and apt in the acquisition of knowledge"
                    2. Aristotle
                      1. "entertain a thought without accepting it"
                        1. "the aim of art is to represent ... inward significance"
                          1. "the will of the majority is supreme"
                            1. "In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich"
                            2. Plato
                              1. "Ship of state"
                              2. Lucretius
                                1. "Blissful"
                                  1. "competing for intellectual eminence, disputing about rank"
                                2. The belief that man is God's greatest creation
                                  1. The importance of humankind
                                    1. Recovery of Ancient texts/ideas
                                      1. Search for the 'Truth'
                                        1. Church copies inaccurate (Christian-ised)
                                          1. Looking for faithful texts
                                          2. Intellectual persuit
                                          3. Underpins the Renaissance world
                                          4. First Phase
                                            1. Roman/Latin Phase
                                              1. Vitruvious
                                                1. Architecture
                                                  1. Transform the visual nature of the Renaissance
                                                    1. Classical style
                                                    2. Ancient view of democracy
                                                      1. Everybody knows their place
                                                    3. Cicero
                                                      1. Most of his work was lost, but a lot of what was left was recovered
                                                        1. A lot of his work was about how to live successfully in the public eye
                                                          1. How to conduct oneself
                                                            1. Publicity was important in the ancient world
                                                            2. Writer/Orator
                                                              1. His Latin was considered the 'best' .. not christianised
                                                                1. Corrupted language led to a corrupted/unclear message
                                                                  1. Understanding his original work as it was written NOT how it was copied
                                                          2. Second Phase
                                                            1. Greek
                                                              1. Many didn't know the language of ancient Greece
                                                                1. 1453 Greeks fled Constantinople
                                                                2. Aristotle
                                                                  1. Led the impression of democracy
                                                                    1. People harnessed the image of his ideas
                                                                      1. Debate
                                                                        1. The will of the people
                                                                        2. Art should convey a message
                                                                        3. Plato
                                                                          1. Everybody had their place in society
                                                                            1. Orders of society
                                                                              1. Philosopher King
                                                                                1. Auxillaries
                                                                                  1. Merchants/Workers
                                                                                2. Tri-partite division of the soul
                                                                                  1. Reason
                                                                                    1. Emotion
                                                                                      1. Desire
                                                                                3. Epicureanism
                                                                                  1. Pursuant of pleasure
                                                                                    1. Roman Catholic Church's view
                                                                                      1. Dangerous
                                                                                        1. Pursuit of pleasure = lustful
                                                                                          1. Pursuit of Sin
                                                                                        2. Was actually the pursuit of simple pleasures
                                                                                          1. 'True' pleasure was being with those you love
                                                                                            1. Pleasure comes with not concerning yourself with common ideas of pleasure
                                                                                              1. 'Usual' pleasures were empty - a waster of time
                                                                                            2. Believed to be the pursuit of base pleasures


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