1.8 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and environmental concerns.


Mapa Mental sobre 1.8 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and environmental concerns., criado por Niamh Wyatt em 11-05-2018.
Niamh Wyatt
Mapa Mental por Niamh Wyatt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Niamh Wyatt
Criado por Niamh Wyatt quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

1.8 Ethical, Legal, Cultural and environmental concerns.
  1. Open Source
    1. allows users access to the code to edit/change themselves.
      1. usually free
        1. Benefits: can edit/customise freely, a strong social support forum, usually free, good for companies, allows collaborations
          1. Disadvantages: relies on support networks of other users, to edit codes you need expert knowledge, de-bugging is hard, may need to buy in external suppor
        2. proprietary software
          1. lisenced software
            1. costs money
              1. produced by "professional company"
                1. many features built into one program
                2. Benefits: provides free customer support, meets professional standards, always someone to go back if you have problems, likely to be more tailored to market needs, may be broader.
                  1. Disadvantages: costs may be significant, limited to expansion by only what is available, reliant on one company, may not fully meet the needs of a customer.
                3. Data Protection Act (1998)
                  1. it covers what can be collected, how long it can be kept for, steps to keep it up to date, sending and using the data, who can see that data
                  2. Computer Misuse Act
                    1. Makes it illegal for computers to access computer systems without proper authorisation
                      1. access computer systems with the intent to commit a criminal offence
                        1. alter data without permission (viruses, physical deletion etc.)
                    2. Copyright Designs and Patents Act
                      1. Protects peoples written,dramatic,musical,film broadcasts property
                        1. Makes it an offence to copy or distribute other peoples intellectual property without permission
                      2. Creative Commons License
                        1. Allows people with protected work to allow free distribution of the work
                          1. It may be a musician who wants to do this to allow remixing of their songs
                            1. It may be an author who wants other people to edit and improve their book
                          2. Purpose of the kernel in an operating system.
                            1. Takes care of low-level hardware operations
                              1. connects applications to the hardware.


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