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A level Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Aggression, criado por Samiha Nassir em 13-05-2018.
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paper 3
a level
Mapa Mental por
Samiha Nassir
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Samiha Nassir
quase 7 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Media influences
Desensitisation - continuous exposure desensitises flight or flight response so no longer adaptive
Disinhibition - loose moral restraints when exposed to violence due to percieved wrong doing
Operant condition in video games - people are rewarded for intitating violence
Cognitive priming - children see 8,000 murders on TV - script is influences by media and computer games, an aggressive schema is made
found men who listened to aggressive music were more aggressive - gave people more chili
Real life application - video gaes used in army to densensitse people to violence
Neural explanations
Limbic system linked to aggression
cingulate gyrus, septal area, hypothalmaus, formi, amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus
Testosterone linked with males, aggression linked with males
Giammanco founds castrated animals were less anxious
mixed evidence, more than one hormone at play - cortisol too
mixed evidence - dual hormone hypothesis with cortisol
Serotonin, inhibitory, behaviour control
Virkunnen - violent impulsives had lower levels of serotonin
Orbitofrontal cortex linked with aggression: more than one structure at play
MAOA: gene prducing protein - monoamine oxidase - metabolising noadrenaline, seortonin and DA, adrenaline linked to aggression
Agression works with Y chromosome so males with XYY were supermales
Theillgaard - only thing different was above average height
Concordance rates - found MZ twins had 50% similarity in aggression
Selective breeding found links to aggression and inheritance
Bruner - violent males had MAOA abnormlaity
Stuart - 97 abusive males had faulty MAOA gene
Ethological Explanation
Innate behaviour maybe beneficial
Aggression ritualistic to escape harm
innate human and animal behaviours eg Lorenz and geese
IRM - Innate Releasing Mechanism inbuilt structure/process
Leads to FAP - fixed action pattern, behavioural sequence
FAP not always fixed due to characteristics
Findings between South and North American men saw different rates of aggression - not innate due to variation
Not all aggression is ritualistic - chimpanzee war killed others - not adpative
Shickleberg - red spot on fish is IRM - competition to be fought
Evolutionary Explanation
adaptive to human ancestors - reaction of history due to environment of evolutionary period (EEA) to survive
Natural selection
Jelaousy is adaptive from adultery and cuckoldry
Explains male aggression due to woman's usefulness
Daly & Wilson - mate retention strategies: agressive guarding - restricting freedom Intersexual negative reducements - threat of violence
Shackleford found correlation between MRS and violence
Self report studies - social desirability and unreliable
Frustration Aggression Hypothesis
Frustration always precedes aggression, aggression always follows frustration
Bushman - venting doesnt decrease aggression
can be violent fantasy or outburst or physical
Not always direct - if unable to direct it's deflected on an alternative
Environmental cues - cues are needed for anger to become aggression
Berkowitz & LePage: shocks were higher in presence of guns - weapon focus
Glenn: jigsaw, frustation measures, aggression higher when insulted in comparison to other variables
Social Learning Theory
Learned through reinforcement
cognitive factors - attention, retention, reproduction, motivation and self efficiacy
Aggression imitated by parents
Bandura bobo doll, high reliability, controlled but low external vlaidity, lab experiement
cultural bias - some cultures don't encourage aggression
aggression bigger in groups
Explains prison violence
Lab experiments, more aggressive the more hidden they were.
lack of responsibility increases antisociability - demand characteristics
35% of men would commit rape if they weren't likely to be caught
Insititutional explanations
Dispositonal - importing trains into aggressive situation (Irwin and Cressey)
normalised violence explaining aggression in any position
Situational: aggression due to environment
Deprived of freedom, choices, heterosexual relationships and security in jail, explaining aggression
Overcrowding causes violence
McCorkle found no link
SPanish/Blacks more likely to be violent in prison due to deprivation
No link was found.
young more violent due to appropriateness of conflict
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