The use of Do and Make


Mapa Mental sobre The use of Do and Make, criado por Dany Galindo em 31-05-2018.
Dany  Galindo
Mapa Mental por Dany Galindo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dany  Galindo
Criado por Dany Galindo mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The use of Do and Make
  1. Make
    1. is used for activities that create something that can be touched, a physical object
      1. "Make" is used in the sense of "manufacture", "Create"
      2. Do
        1. "Do" is used when we talk about things in general
          1. "Do" is used for actions, activities and jobs
            1. It is used in a broad sense, as to "perform"
              1. when we do not specify the activity.
                1. Both can be traslated as "doing"
                  1. Example With DO
                    1. I Am Doing the best I can.
                      1. I like doing interesting things like going to concerts.
                      2. Example Make
                        1. Do you know how to make paella?


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