"The System Life Cycle" (SLC)


Mapa Mental sobre "The System Life Cycle" (SLC), criado por Josh Brown em 03-10-2014.
Josh Brown
Mapa Mental por Josh Brown, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Josh Brown
Criado por Josh Brown mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

"The System Life Cycle" (SLC)
  1. Problems with new systems:
    1. 80% of new systems are late and over budget.
      1. 40% of systems are abandoned.
        1. 80%-90% of new systems fail to meet their target goals.
          1. Only 10%-20% of new systems meet their success criteria.
            1. If organisations follow the SLC they should be able to avoid many of these problems
    2. The SLC
      1. Analysis
        1. Definition
          1. Investigation
          2. Design
            1. Design
            2. Programming
              1. Implementation
              2. Testing
                1. Testing
                  1. Installation
                    1. Documentation
                      1. Evaluation
                      2. Maintenence
                        1. Maintenance
                        1. This is a de facto standard of how a computer system is created. It is a sort of unspoken rule of a how you should go about making a new system. It is the logical way to do it.
                          1. 1.Definition.
                            1. Define the problem. Determine why a new system is needed.
                            2. 2.Investigation and Analysis.
                              1. This decides whether a whole now IT system is needed or whether changes can be made to the old one.
                              2. 3.Design.
                                1. This phase is where the detailed planning of the system takes place in order that it may reach is requirements and specifications.
                                2. 4.Implementation
                                  1. Once the design stage is complete the software developers can begin to write the code for the new system. They could completely start from scratch writing every bit of new code or use a template that can then be customised.
                                  2. 5.Testing
                                    1. The system must be tested in order to check that it functions correctly. A team of beta testers will check the functionality and 'User Testers' will test whether the system is user friendly or not.
                                    2. 6.Installation
                                      1. When the system is complete, working and does everything agreed in the design stage, then it is ready to be given to the company and installed.
                                        1. A system can be installed in four different ways:
                                          1. 1.Direct
                                            1. 2.Parallel
                                              1. 3.Phased
                                                1. 4.Pilot
                                            2. 7.Documentation
                                              1. User Documentation: The user is given instructions on how to use the system.
                                                1. On-screen documentation: As well as paper instructions, many modern systems have on-screen help that can take the form of; Help menus, Help pop up boxes, Video Tutorials etc.
                                                  1. Technical documentation: These are put in by the software developers so that the system can be edited if necessary. These could be commentary in the coding so the editer knows what that code does, security details etc.
                                                  2. 8.Evaluation
                                                    1. When the system is up and running and all the bugs have been ironed out, a team of anyaists will decide whether the system meets it's requirements and wehther it solved the initial problem.
                                                    2. 9.Maintenance
                                                      1. The maintenance stage continues the systems life.
                                                        1. There are three types of maintenance:
                                                          1. Corrective Maintenance.
                                                            1. Adaptive maintenance
                                                              1. Perfective maintanence


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