Drama Techniques


Mapa Mental sobre Drama Techniques, criado por karen.chan.03 em 04-10-2014.
Mapa Mental por karen.chan.03, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por karen.chan.03 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Drama Techniques
  1. Techniques
    1. Thought Tracking
      1. Clear in demonstration of thoughts & intentions
        1. Very clear in reasoning
          1. Relies too much on other techniques.
            1. Very risky when it comes to mistakes
            2. Cross-Cutting
              1. Displays an array of thoughts
                1. Shares the work
                  1. Easier to use
                    1. Can cause some confusion
                    2. Chosen Technique: Cross-Cutting
                      1. Can deliver intention better
                    3. Effectiveness of Technique
                      1. More planning needed
                        1. Transitions don't work as well
                          1. Limited Dialogue
                            1. Peer Feedback
                              1. Good but need to project voice
                                1. More dialogue needed
                                  1. Good Props
                                2. Do's and Don'ts
                                  1. Make sure you listen for your cue!
                                    1. If a teammate makes a mistake, don't make it obvious!
                                      1. Make the dialogue meaningful!
                                      2. Improvements
                                        1. Stronger and more Meaningful dialogue
                                          1. Flowing transitions
                                            1. More attentive at specific moments
                                            2. Other Strong Techniques
                                              1. Choral Singing
                                                1. Thought-tracking
                                                  1. Conscience Alley
                                                    1. Personification


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