Liz father became Earl Rivers and became Treasurer.
Brother Anthony, lord Scales, Given Lordship of Isle of
White. Other Woodville males given lesser titles, but still
family became powerful enough to rival the Neville's.
Woodiville women however given in marriage to most
influential men in country in hope they would make
their husbands loyal.
Promiscuity enabled RIchard to Question
his sons legitimacy and ruin them
Treatment of Nobility
York Loyalists
George Neville -
Archbishop of York 1467
Gargantuan Feast - 6000 guests
The Household of Edward IV p2
Won many friends, especially in London
Lancastrian Rebels
2nd Reign - given second chance
to cooperate and they took it
Henry still had supporters
eg. D of Somerset, D of Exeter
Battle of Hexam
Margaret fled and Hen was captured
Sacked Lancastrian office holders
Henry VI - Rewarded Favourites
Cades Rebellion
William De La Pole
Edmund Beaufort
Creates Overlords to control enemy nobles
They worked effectivley
Hastings was an overlord
He was next to Buckingham to control him
Still corruption in Nobility
No Rebellion - Ed was a Strong King
Was trying to
keep to many
nobles happy
Royal Brothers
Rebellious George
July 1469 - 'coup detat' staged by
Warwick + Clarence. Overthrew 3
of Ed's most trusted Earls taking
over government + imprisonment.
Married WKs daughter against Eds command
Hoped WK would make him king
Was given half of WKs lands when it was split up
He argued for all of it
1478 - executed for treason
Ambitious Richard
Blame Edward for Tudor?
John Gillingham - Richard III: A
Medieval Kingship; Argues that the
WOTR crisis didn't cause the Tudor
take over. 'The more positive
assessment of the last dozen years
(1471-83) of Edward IVs reign in
recent scholarship has led to the
conclusion that what happened in
1183 and after ws quite different
and unrelated to the struggles of the
years between 1455-71
Had all reasons to trust Rich.
Remained loyal in 1469 and 70
when Ed was driven into exile
Fought at Battles of Barnet
and Tewkesbury defeating
Warwick and Lancastians
Good Service rewarded. Made Admiral
of England, Great Chamberlain of
England (succeeded Warwick and
Clarence) and Constable of England
Disloyalty v Greed
When Edward became King 1461
made George Duke of Clarence
and Richard Duke of Gloucester
Warwick Land Dispute
Confidence in the Monarchy
Military Skill
Henry VI
Didn't lead his men
Couldn't Unite Nobles
Allowed it to escalate
Remarkable forced march to
Tewkesbury to catch up with Marg
Battle of Mortimer's Cross - After the death
of his father and brother 18 year old Ed very
cleverly took his army to Wales and faced
Jasper Tudor on 3rd Feb 1461 and defeated it. The
Lancastrians had expected him to attempt to
rejoin Warwick in London or go North to
avenge his father.
First act as King was to muster all men between 16 and 60
Assertion of Royal Authority
Henry II - Assertion of Royal Authority
Richard III
Henry Tudor could take power by exploiting this
Ralph Griffiths - Oxford Illustrated
History of Britain: 'The Wars of the
Roses came close to denying the
hereditary basis of the English
Monarchy'. Argues that although the
Wars 'had done negligible permanent
damage to agriculture, trade and
industry' they 'had unquestionably
undermined confidence in the
Monarchy as an institution
Sir John Fortesque - The
Governance of England; (Henry VI
Chief Justice of the Bench) Writes
of the English Monarchy as the
best political system in the world,
despite its definite need for reform
Suggested these reforms were
actually being made e.g.
resumption of former royal
estates and effective land
endowment of crown
Gillingham thinks its Richards seizing
of the throne from natural heir not
WOTR which threatened the
hereditary basis of the monarchy
Ordinary People's Lives
Henry VI
Economic Collapse 1449
Annus Horribbillis 1450
shabby indigence
Expensive inneficiency
'The Weakness of the Monarchy
and widespread discontent with
the management of the royal house
resulted in repeated demands for
its reform' on Henry IV - Royal
Household Ed IV p7
After 1445 Parliament in
charge of regulating money
Margaret was expensive
Cost £5,560 to get her there 1445
Revenues of nearly £6,700
David Starkey - Revolution Reassessed
1986; 'the revenue base of the crown was
transformed and the method of revenue
administration radically altered - all withi
the last decades of Edward IV's reign
Second Reign
Better than 1st
Economy was doing better
Increased Trade
Reorganised revenues from Crown estates. Experimented
with methods of improving yields. Promoted more
efficient auditing under officials of flexible royal household
treasury instead of unadaptable Exchequer (MYERS)
Had enough to rebuild Windsor Castle
Not tax for 8 years
Made Admin more efficient
Reduced the Royal Household
Got Money from
Parliament for
Wars twice
'Although Edward ran the risk of earning his subjects' displeasure for his abuse of funds, there was enough overall economic recovery to avoid any taxation crisis thanks in large to the Treaty of Picquigny, collection of customs, prevention of piracy , and the absortion of noble land holdings, such as Clarence's, into the crown. The ''Yorkist land revenue experiment'' expanded upon the same principle seen in the seizure of Clarence's lands, retaining noble holdings and offering the stewardship of these estates to local men allied with king as reward for faithful service, encouraging both economic growth and a nonthreatening yet guiding royal presence at the local level from 1471 to 1483(ref2)' Emily Glassard - {pst-1471 ''New Monarchy'' under Edward IV and Henry VII, p43. Carpenter - War of the Roses, p200
the wars never happened and he kept the money
'He showed considerable
ingenuity in raising money by
reviving obsolescent rights and
using doubtfully legal devices'
Anotações: - The Second half of Edwards Reign - Alexander Reginald Myers
Paid the cost of country's administration from
Crown Estates profits thus freeing him from
dependence on subsidies from Parliament
Commercial Treaties with; France 1475,
Burgundy 1468, Hanseatic League 1474
Became trader himself transporting goods
in his own ships and of foreign merchants
Ed invested heavily in wool trade
Much tougher on crime than Henry
Visited areas
of high crime
and talked to
law offices
John Paston (sherriff) wouldn't explain his actions
Ed Said 'turn up in 3 days or die'
Law enforcement particular problem in Wales/Welsh
Marches. Edward used royal estates in the area to set up
a council who would act on behalf of his son, the Prince
of Wales. It was this council that first subjugated Wales
to English rule
Revived ancient customs of
sitting 'on the bench'/in
judgement in justice
Edwards Other Successes
Rebuilt St. Georges Chapel, Windsor
Seeing it as a Mausoleum for
Yorkists (was buried there)
Collected Illuminated Flemish manuscripts
Friend and Patron of printer William
Caxton. Book collection became
foundation of old Royal Libary
And new great hall at Eltham palace
Was a generous benefactor to Henry VI
colleges at Eton and Cambridge
Was concerned by rising interest in sport instead of
archery. passed laws to encourage archery not football
or qouits
Foreign Policy/International Relations
Henry VI - French King to losing all but Calais
War with France
France isn't a threat
Made great preparation 1174
and received large grant from
Invaded 1475 with what was said to be
largest army ever left England. Found
Burgundy unprepared. France were
formidable and able to buy him out
Treaty of Picquigny - France paid 75, 000 gold crowns up front
and pension of 50,000 gold crowns a year. And daughter
Elizabeths future marriage to Dauphin
These sums helped Edward to stop relying on Parliamentary grants
36000 men, 15000 mounted archers
1482 Louis XI tactfully repudiated Treaty of PIcquigny and
annual tribute it provided to come to terms with Burgundy.
Ed contemplated invasion of France but fell in and died quickly
1467 - Allied with Burgundy
WK wanted to be allied with France
Angered WK
Richard was responsible for controlling the Scots
Defeated Scots at Alnwich
Treaty with Scotland intended to establish peace for 15 years. Practical
support from Louis XI of France was unlikely so Scotland had to abandon
alliegence to House of Lancaster and make truce with York
WK invaded Norham Castle July 1463 and devastated Scottish
borders. MoA and Prince Ed fled Scot to Burg
Horrax - 'master in
his own kingdom'
Established as King AGAIN
Crowned 28 June 1461
Died 9 April 1483
overshadowed by Henry VII
Encouraged by Louis XI WK
seized Ed and made him his
prisoner July 1469
But Ed had too many supporters
now. Regained freedom in October
WK fled to France. Allied with
Lancastrians and France
Invaded England Sept 1470
Surprised Ed who fled with Rich into Netherlands in October.
Returned March 1471. Took London. Defeated and
killed WK at Barnet on 14 April
Margaret landed in Dorset same day with son Ed.
Aimed to raise support in Wales. Became race between
Ed and Marg. Met her at Tewkesbury 4 May.
Nearly all remaining Lancastrian leaders
killed or executed and Murder of Henry 21/22
May. Reppelled Attack on London