NT1210 Chapter Four Mind Map


Mapa Mental sobre NT1210 Chapter Four Mind Map, criado por adamrice29 em 09-10-2014.
Mapa Mental por adamrice29, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por adamrice29 quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

NT1210 Chapter Four Mind Map
  1. Sending Bits with electricity and copper wires
    1. AC/DC circuits
      1. DC current flows oneway
        1. AC current alternating flow
          1. Frequency, amplitude, period. and phase
            1. encoding scheme
          2. Electrical circuits using network cabling
            1. NIC, port, interface, sockets
              1. Transmitter < Bits flow right to left >Reciever
              2. Sending Data over electrical circuits
                1. Bit rate
                  1. Encoding Bits over one circuits
                    1. encoding scheme
                    2. Sending Bits over multiple circuits
                      1. full/half duplex
                    3. Problems w/sending data using electricity
                      1. distance
                        1. EMI
                        2. Ethernet LANs example
                          1. IEEE Standards
                            1. 10BASE-T/100BASE-T, etc...
                            2. UTP cables
                              1. Bit rate and encoding
                                1. RJ-45 connectors snd Sockets
                              2. Sending Bits with light and fiber optic cables
                                1. Sending Bits with radio waves and no cables


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