career development


Mapa Mental sobre career development, criado por scwhite17 em 06-07-2013.
Mapa Mental por scwhite17, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por scwhite17 mais de 11 anos atrás
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resumo de Recurso

career development
  1. teaching topic knowledge
    1. Alpha Omega
      1. Bristol uni
      2. nlp ideas
        1. use of senses
        2. knowledge of SPLD theory
          1. course notes
            1. books
              1. courses
                1. tapes
                2. connections with people
                  1. Michaela
                    1. Cheryl
                      1. Anelia
                        1. Judith Todd
                          1. Paula
                            1. Marion
                              1. other course people
                              2. visualisation
                                1. courses and talks
                                  1. Patoss
                                  2. knowledge of tests
                                    1. uni library
                                      1. actual tests
                                        1. repeat and rehearse
                                      2. life coaching
                                        1. Grow model

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