SAT Specialist


Mapa Mental sobre SAT Specialist, criado por lauravbrooks em 09-07-2013.
Mapa Mental por lauravbrooks, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lauravbrooks aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

SAT Specialist
  1. What will I bring to the role?
    1. SAT champion
      1. Current role / experience
        1. SAT practitioner
        2. Personal Qualities
          1. Communication skills
          2. Relationship stakeholder management
            1. Training Specialists
              1. Managers
                1. Accreditation manager
                  1. CRC chairs
                  2. e - learning
                    1. FMS CT
                      1. ONP refresher training
                      2. SAT compliance
                        1. SAP
                          1. CDMS
                          2. Facilitation of comms + Implementation of SAT
                            1. Graded approach to SAT
                            2. Accreditation Process
                            3. How will I measure success?
                              1. KPIs
                                1. Number of open PGNAWs
                                  1. Number of Training requests
                                  2. Are people SQEPed?
                                    1. Do we have enough SQEPs to cover business demand
                                      1. Are we delivering the right training, to the right people, at the right time?
                                        1. Evaluation of training
                                          1. What does good look like?
                                            1. Now & in the future
                                          2. How would I grow and develop the role?
                                            1. Network - different business areas
                                              1. Seek advice from Training specialists - best practice from around the fleet
                                                1. Benchmark against other companies
                                                  1. Act on feedback


                                                  Vocabulário Inglês Básico
                                                  Alessandra S.
                                                  Orgão Coração Humano
                                                  Alessandra S.
                                                  verbos irregulares
                                                  Alessandra S.
                                                  Português - 3 - Ortografia e acentuação
                                                  DIREITOS FUNDAMENTAIS CARACTERÍSTICAS
                                                  Como Estudar Matemática
                                                  Alessandra S.
                                                  Seguridade Social 3 - Organização e Princípios Constitucionais
                                                  André Cavallini
                                                  O BARROCO
                                                  Luís Pita
                                                  Enem 2
                                                  Robson Bueno
                                                  SIMULADO 2 - CTFL - AT
                                                  Jorge Ricardo