James Sanchez


Mapa Mental sobre James Sanchez, criado por jsan89515 em 11-07-2013.
Mapa Mental por jsan89515, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jsan89515 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

James Sanchez
  1. what air dinamics do i need to get the full trick done
    1. 12 feet from jumping point
    2. how do i bar spin
      1. mannual to a buuny hop from that spin bars
      2. how do I bar spinn while droping into a bowl
        1. go at a normal speed then bunny hop down into the bowl and spin
        2. how much strength do i need to get some air
          1. not to much but i need to work out more
          2. how much balance and reflex do i need to land the tricks
            1. alot of both or else you'll get messed up
            2. when creating a trick what do i do
              1. combined at least three or two tricks
              2. scooter tricks


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