27. People process information better in bite-sized chunks


Mind Map on 27. People process information better in bite-sized chunks, created by Rachel Ivan on 08/22/2018.
Rachel Ivan
Mapa Mental por Rachel Ivan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rachel Ivan
Criado por Rachel Ivan mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

27. People process information better in bite-sized chunks
  1. Progressive Disclosure
    1. Giving only the information that is important progressively (so the most important information first and then secondary afterwards, etc)
    2. Don't count the clicks
      1. People don’t care about how much they have to click, just that the information they’re getting is easy to understand.
      2. Know who needs what & when
        1. For progressive disclosure to work, you have to do your research to understand what people want to know first
        2. History
          1. It was used by J.M.Keller as he came up with the ARCS model (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) in the early 1980’s


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