

Mapa Mental sobre Moods, criado por Mary Vang em 21-10-2014.
Mary Vang
Mapa Mental por Mary Vang, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mary Vang
Criado por Mary Vang quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Loved
    1. A lover hugged by his/her lover
      1. Bright color tone
      2. Peaceful
        1. Laughing and smiles on faces
          1. Soothing wind
          2. Enraged
            1. Crazy Rage
              1. Dark and cold aura
              2. Relaxed
                1. No breeze
                  1. A girl laying on grass while watching the sky
                  2. Sympathetic
                    1. Sadness and Sorrw; a sad face
                      1. Cloudy sky
                      2. Guilty
                        1. Rainy day
                          1. Shattered pieces
                          2. Envious
                            1. Black and white color tone
                              1. Reaching out a hand
                              2. Happy
                                1. A girl jumping in the air while cheering
                                  1. The sunshine & a blue sky


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