

Mapa Mental sobre Ambiguity, criado por Felipe Franco em 23-10-2014.
Felipe Franco
Mapa Mental por Felipe Franco, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Felipe Franco
Criado por Felipe Franco aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Life or experience
    1. Language and thought
      1. by
        1. Opposed elements
          1. Indeterminated


            • Social realities are indeterminated
            1. Lack of normative regulations
              1. Inherently ambiguos
                1. Scanty information
                  1. Conflictin info.
                    1. Unreliable info.
                2. Could lead to
                  1. Frustration


                    • Bad if you do, bad if you don't 
                    1. Bouble binds


                      1. uncertainty


                        1. Group acceptance or rejection
                          1. Smart phone
                            1. in
                            2. Normal phone
                              1. out
                              2. If I don't do it other will do it


                                • If I don't do it other person will do it... and eventually force me to buy it to them
                              3. Once frustrated
                                1. How to trust again?
                                  1. how to motivate?
                                    1. lost of agency
                                        1. throw
                                          1. Love
                                            1. humor
                                              1. hope
                                          2. Depression
                                            1. Learned Helplessness theory of depression
                                              1. treatments ?
                                            2. Betrayal
                                              1. Injustice
                                            3. Solutions
                                              1. a. Identify the ambiguties of the term.
                                                1. b. Identify the contenders of the definition.
                                                  1. c. Identify common grounds and possible relations.
                                                2. a. recognize the diferent levels of information.
                                                  1. b. Identify the semantic differences
                                                    1. c. Identify the context and agendas they imply.
                                                      1. d''' . Plural treatment of common issues.
                                                  2. can I use a solution methodology to generate ambiguity?
                                                  3. Used as tool for exclusion
                                                      1. Is it, when we cannot categorized properly?
                                                        1. Key words
                                                          1. Hegemony
                                                            1. Alienation
                                                              1. Subjetivity
                                                                1. object


                                                                  • That which is other than the active mind and the thinking agent
                                                                  1. a thing
                                                                    1. of a purpose
                                                                      1. Objective


                                                                        • Looking only at the facts, setting aside personal preference or interest 
                                                                      2. subject


                                                                        • from the operation of which the independent existence of all other things must be deduced - as objects thrown before this consciousness
                                                                        • the active mind or the thinking agent 


                                                                        1. active mind
                                                                          1. thinking agent
                                                                      3. Psychologycal


                                                                        • Science of the human soul or mind
                                                                        • a. of inner feelings. b. of character and behavior seen from this pony of view 
                                                                        1. Feeling
                                                                          1. Character
                                                                            1. objectify the inner world


                                                                              • This seems to be my ultimate aim
                                                                              1. A separable or at least radically distinguishable inner world, within which processes of feeling and relationship and activity can be described 'in their own terms' , such processes often being taken as primary , with the outside world - nature or society - seen as secondary or contingent
                                                                              2. Behaviour


                                                                                • The most important effect is the description of certain 'intentional' and 'purposive' human practices and systems as if they were 'natural' or 'objective' stimuli, to which responses can be graded as 'normal' or 'abnormal' or 'deviant'. the sense of 'autonumus' or 'independent' response (ether generally, or in the sense of being outside the terms of a given system) can thus be weakened, with important effects in politics and sociology (cf. Deviant groups, deviant political behavior), in psychology (cf. Rationalization) and in the understanding of intelligence or of language (language behavior) , where there is now considerable argument between an extended sense of behaviorist explanations and explanations based on such terms as generative or creative (q.v.)  p.45, Keywords
                                                                                1. Whit out any moral implication, to describe ways in which someone or something acts (reacts) in some specific situation


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