Protecting Software Systems


Year 10 Computing Mapa Mental sobre Protecting Software Systems, criado por Leah Stockall em 20-09-2018.
Leah Stockall
Mapa Mental por Leah Stockall, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Leah Stockall
Criado por Leah Stockall aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Protecting Software Systems
  1. Securing Operating Systems
    1. There are security vulnerabilities in all operating systems and as these are identified, they should be removed by installing update
    2. Effective Network Security Provision
      1. Users must receive training and be aware of the security threats
        1. Network administrators and technical staff should:
          1. Receive on-going training to keep up with developments in security
            1. Ensure that all operating systems updates ad software patches are applied
            2. All employees should be required to read and sign a network acceptable use policy
            3. Audit Trails-audit Software
              1. They can monitor all network activity and keep a record of all user activity- their audit trail. it allows a technician to study what has happened during a cyber attack
              2. Modular Testing
                1. A module is an independent bloc of code that implements a small number of routines. as only a small amount is being tested, any problem should be easier to fix
                2. Vulnerabilities In Coding The Program
                  1. Code vulnerabilities
                    1. When the code does the task intended but, due to the way it works, it may create a security issue in some circumstances
                    2. Bad coding practice
                      1. Some programmers write poor-quality code and don't consider how safe or secure their code is
                        1. Code reviews - Theses issues can be minimised by having regular code reviews to look at security vulnerabilities in the code. reviews can be carried out by other programmers (or teams of programmers) or automated reviews by specialist software which highlights potential security vulnerabilities
                      2. Software Design Stage
                        1. The software designers will need to consider:
                          1. What kind of authentication is needed?
                            1. Will access control be needed?
                              1. Are warnings needed before allowing users to copy or delete large amounts of information?
                                1. Is encryption needed for sensitive information?
                                  1. Will the software be exposed to threats from hackers?
                                2. WORKED EXAMPLE
                                  1. A group of programmers is developing a software application that will be used over a network. It is very important that the software application has no security vulnerabilities. discuss how the programmers could minimise security vulnerabilities during development. (4marks)
                                    1. ANWSER
                                      1. During the design stage they could investigate whether authentication, access control and encryption are needed to protect the software from hackers. they should check the c9ode to ensure there are no vulnerabilities that could be used by hackers and carry out modular testing as each routine is completed. Others teams of programmers should be asked to look for vulnerabilities in the code


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