Walking with difficulty


Mapa Mental sobre Walking with difficulty, criado por shahid alzaghari em 20-09-2018.
shahid alzaghari
Mapa Mental por shahid alzaghari, atualizado more than 1 year ago
shahid alzaghari
Criado por shahid alzaghari mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Walking with difficulty
  1. Mohammed, 19 years olds
    1. Anatomy of the skull
        1. Tractology
          1. Sensory
            1. Dorsal White Column
              1. Nucleus gracilis
                1. Nucleus cuneatus
                2. Ventral & Lateral spinothalamic tract
                  1. Dorsal & Ventral spinocerebeller tract
                  2. Motor
                    1. Lateral corticospinal (pyramidal) tract
                      1. Anterior corticospinal tract(pyramidal)
                        1. Vestibulospinal tract
                          1. Descending autonomic tracts
                        2. Lesions:
                          1. Physiology of pain and temperature:
                            1. Syringomyelia:
                              1. Clinical presentation:
                                1. Muscle weakness
                                  1. Evaluation of the patient:
                                    1. 1- History
                                      1. 2- Physical examination
                                        1. 3- Localizing the lesion:
                                          1. 4- Determine the cause of the lesion:
                                        2. Gait abnormalities
                                          1. Hemiplegic gait (spastic gait)
                                            1. Seen in stroke
                                            2. Parkinsonian gait
                                              1. Atexia gait
                                                1. Diplegic Gait(Scissors gait)
                                                  1. Seen in cerebral palsy
                                                  2. Myopathic Gait (waddling gait)
                                                    1. Neuropathic Gait (Steppage Gait)
                                                    2. Loss of reflexes
                                                      1. Loss of pain, temperature & crude touch sensation
                                                      2. Pathophysiology:
                                                        1. Congenital
                                                          1. Arnold-Chiari malformation II.
                                                          2. Acquired
                                                            1. Complication of:
                                                              1. Trauma
                                                                1. Meningitis
                                                                  1. Hemorrhage
                                                                    1. Tumor
                                                                  2. is the development of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within the spinal cord. Over time, the cyst may enlarge, damaging the spinal cord.
                                                                  3. Treatment
                                                                    1. If not causing any S&S:
                                                                      1. monitoring with periodic MRI and neurological exams
                                                                      2. If causing any S&S yet discovered on MRI for unrelated reason:
                                                                        1. monitoring with periodic MRI and neurological exams
                                                                        2. Causing S&S:
                                                                          1. Surgery:
                                                                            1. remove the pressure the syrinx places on the SC
                                                                              1. restore the normal flow of CSF
                                                                                1. help improve the symptoms and nervous system (neurological) function
                                                                              2. Treat Chiari Malformation
                                                                                1. Drain syrnix
                                                                                  1. Removing obstruction
                                                                                    1. Correcting the abnormality
                                                                                  2. Radiological investigation of SC:
                                                                                    1. MRI
                                                                                      1. T1
                                                                                        1. darker; fluid is hypointense (black)
                                                                                        2. T2
                                                                                          1. brighter; fluid is hyperintense (white)
                                                                                      2. Medical report:
                                                                                        1. It should include:
                                                                                          1. Laboratory test results
                                                                                            1. Medical images
                                                                                              1. A history of your treatments
                                                                                                1. Your response to treatments
                                                                                                  1. Documentation of any medications
                                                                                                    1. Documentation of your diagnosis
                                                                                                      1. An overview of your medical history
                                                                                                        1. A history of hospitalizations
                                                                                                          1. Findings of physical and mental examinations
                                                                                                            1. Statements confirming your limitations and abilities


                                                                                                          Direito Civil
                                                                                                          Psicologia da Educação
                                                                                                          Inglês - vocabulário
                                                                                                          Revisão Para o ENEM em 20 dias
                                                                                                          Alessandra S.
                                                                                                          TÉCNICAS DE ESTUDO
                                                                                                          Rafael Fernando
                                                                                                          Roma Antiga
                                                                                                          Ighor Ferreira
                                                                                                          FIGURAS DE LINGUAGEM
                                                                                                          Gabriela Vianna
                                                                                                          Tabela Periódica
                                                                                                          Fael Berranteiro
                                                                                                          Grécia Clássica
                                                                                                          jacson luft
                                                                                                          Contextualização Aula 02 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                                                                                                          Jéssica Meireles
                                                                                                          REVOLUÇÃO RUSSA
                                                                                                          Savio Andrade