Chapter1.2 - Systems


Chapter 01 to 1.2. Systems and it's components
G. Wagenmaker
Mapa Mental por G. Wagenmaker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
G. Wagenmaker
Criado por G. Wagenmaker mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chapter1.2 - Systems
  1. Real Life Systems
    1. education syst.
      1. political syst.
        1. digestive syst.
          1. weather forcast syst.
            1. tickets reserv. syst
              1. fault finding syst.
                1. workflow management syst.
                  1. admission Syst.
                  2. systems & it's components
                    1. input
                      1. processing
                        1. output
                          1. decision making mechanism
                            1. boundary acts as an interface
                              1. interact with environment related to


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