Computer training for adults


Mapa Mental sobre Computer training for adults, criado por vasoalata em 26-10-2014.
Mapa Mental por vasoalata, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por vasoalata quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Computer training for adults
  1. very basic computer skills
    1. computer vocabulary
      1. opening and saving files
        1. skills and activities practise
          1. MS Word Exercises
            1. internet
              1. excel exercises
                1. power point
                  1. approaching computer training from the perspective of adults
                    1. process without stress and pressure
                      1. unimorfity in the age of adult learners
                        1. self eestem encouragement and sence of comfort
                    2. defining the learning of computer skills for adults
                      1. repetition of importan information and skills
                        1. new terms and concepts
                          1. use of images and videos
                            1. clear instructions and details
                              1. courses according to skill level
                      2. computer anxiety
                        1. fear-negative attitude
                          1. different approach
                        2. technology and distance learning
                          1. benefits of computer skills for older adults


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