diBosco Coffee and Champagne Bar (EXTENDED)


Website content (my website) - MINDMAP
Charlotte Holley
Mapa Mental por Charlotte Holley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Holley
Criado por Charlotte Holley aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

diBosco Coffee and Champagne Bar (EXTENDED)
  1. Site objective
    1. Business
      1. Sell coffee (online store)
        1. Bring in customers to cafe itself
        2. Give information
        3. Audience
          1. Customers
            1. Potential Business partners
            2. Context
              1. Site Structure
                1. Home Page
                  1. Map (Location details), social media etc.
                  2. About us
                    1. Menu
                      1. Items in cafe
                      2. Contact us
                        1. Forms for users to complete
                          1. Store onto database
                            1. Information required
                              1. Name, contact details, question/concerns/feedback
                          2. Coffee Shop (Selling)
                            1. Login (Staff and customer)
                              1. API logins (google etc.) and option to skip login
                          3. Privacy Policy
                            1. Cookie Policy
                            2. Major Function
                              1. Google maps (Home page)
                                1. Languages
                                  1. Search bar / Navigation bar
                                    1. Graphics (Suitable for impairments)
                                      1. Currency
                                      2. Similar sites
                                        1. Hotel Chocolat
                                          1. Costa Coffee
                                            1. Starbucks


                                            Critical Client Flow
                                            Anchen le roux
                                            Pixel Global IT Services
                                            Jit Kumar
                                            Pixel Global IT Services
                                            Jit Kumar
                                            Francês Básico
                                            Alessandra S.
                                            Direito Civil
                                            Processo de Cicatrização
                                            Letícia Silva
                                            Expressões em inglês #3
                                            Eduardo .
                                            Arte do Renascimento Séc.XV - XVI
                                            07 - (Servidores Federais) - Lei 8.112/90 - Dos Direitos e Vantagens
                                            Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
                                            EA-HSG-2008 Questões achadas no app QUIZADA na playstore
                                            carloshenriquetorrez .
                                            Regra de Sinais
                                            Adenilson Santana