municipal resources are not
enough to schedule garbage
collection days
people throw trash improperly
into public spaces
stay and time of reproduction and
incubation of the Aedes mosquito
in metallic waste, plastics, glass or
non-biodegradable materials
misinformation in the population
about this virus
Inadequate behaviors in the
prevention of Aedes aegypti vector
effects and factors in
The municipality of Timaná is framed with
geographic coordinates of 1 ° 58 'north
latitude and 75 ° 56' west longitude
there are areas with stagnant water that
belong to the upper parts and in whose
lower part the urban area of the
municipality is located
increased mosquito proliferation due to
water tributaries
You will be given a stay and time of
reproduction and incubation of the Aedes
mosquito in these metallic waste, plastics,
glass or non-biodegradable materials,
where approximately 150 years is the time
it takes to degrade
affects the environment
the impact in time that generated
these residues when exposed to
environments and media where
they have contact with water, are
latent to this Aedes mosquito
vector reproduces
Zika virus, dengue virus,
chikungunya virus and yellow fever
virus can be present in any
container that accumulates water
The presence of these mosquitoes causes
these diseases to spread in the
populations, increasing the contagion
and the risk of spreading this virus
throughout the community.
effects on the health
The Aedes aegypti mosquito transmits
the three diseases. According to the
Pan American Health Organization, all
these pathologies present similar
DENGUE :fever usually has higher
fever, as well as stronger muscle pain.
It can be complicated when the fever
falls and attention should be paid to
the warning signs, such as bleeding.
Zika: The most common symptoms of
Zika are mild fever and rash (rash or skin
rash). It is usually accompanied by
conjunctivitis, muscle or joint pain, with
a general malaise that begins between 2
and 7 days after the bite of an infected
CHIKUNGUNYA: It is a virus that causes
high fever, headache, joint pain and
muscle pain, about three or seven days
after being bitten by an infected
mosquito. Although most patients tend to
feel better in the following days or weeks,
some people may develop joint pains and
joint stiffness intermittently for months.