How to write a review


Mapa Mental sobre How to write a review, criado por sekinat5724 em 01-11-2014.
Mapa Mental por sekinat5724, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sekinat5724 aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

How to write a review
  1. Paragraph 1: Introduction
    1. Title of the film
      1. Hints on genre
      2. Name of director
        1. Other movies by director
          1. Are they well known?
          2. Briefly outline the film
            1. Is it award winning
            2. Paragraph 2: Description
              1. When and Where
                1. Characters
                  1. Name and description of main
                    1. Name of actors
                      1. Have they won any awards
                        1. Have they stared in other movies
                  2. Outline the plot
                    1. don't give away the ending
                      1. make it brief
                    2. themes dealt with
                    3. Paragraph 3: Evaluation
                      1. strenghts
                        1. weaknesses
                          1. storyline
                            1. does it do the book justice?
                              1. good or bad ending?
                                1. resolution
                              2. script
                                1. special effects
                                  1. camera work
                                  2. quality of acting
                                    1. is there suspense
                                    2. Paragraph 4: Recommendation
                                      1. is it worth seeing?
                                        1. a must see
                                          1. why?
                                        2. target audience
                                          1. ages best suited to
                                            1. who it would appeal to
                                        3. Finally
                                          1. duration
                                            1. star rating


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