
Mapa Mental sobre COMMINICATION SKILLS, criado por juan camilo riaño em 23-10-2018.
juan camilo  riaño
Mapa Mental por juan camilo riaño, atualizado more than 1 year ago
juan camilo  riaño
Criado por juan camilo riaño mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

    1. is the process of the message that you want to convey sure that if information is accurate and useful
    2. CODING
      1. is the process of putting a message in an appropriate style and format so that it can be understood more easily
      2. DECODING
        1. is the process that has the message to be listened to or read to have its content deciphered
        2. CHANNEL
          1. It is the process through which the message is transmitted either in person or by mail or by other means. It is deacred as each person wants to express it.
          2. RECEIVER
            1. it is the process that has the message to be deduced by the person who reads it or listens to it in order to determine its subject
            2. By fulfilling these 5 elements mentioned above you can have a very good communication skill to make the messages faster and easier.


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