1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks


GCSE Computing Mapa Mental sobre 1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks, criado por kimi rod em 07-11-2018.
kimi rod
Mapa Mental por kimi rod, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks
    1. receives and processes requests from clients
      1. what user does on computer is sent to central computer
        1. workers can update central databases
          1. server stores users account details
      2. ADV.
        1. easier security management
          1. easier backups of shared data
            1. easier to install software updates to all devices
          2. DISADV.
            1. expensive to set up+maintain
              1. requires IT specialists to maintain
                1. server=sing. point of failure
        2. PEER-PEER
          1. all computers have equal status
            1. ADV
              1. cheaper to set up
                1. relatively easy to maintain
                  1. allow individual devices to share files between each other
                    1. no dependance on server
                      1. no need for network manager
                2. DISADV.
                  1. less secure network
                    1. users manage own backups
                      1. difficult to maintain well ordered store of files
              2. WAN
                1. telecommunication company provides infrastructure
                  1. larger geographical area
                2. LAN
                  1. own infrastructure
                    1. telecommunication owned by organization
                      1. Local Area Network
                        1. small geo area
                          1. HARDWARE
                            1. NIC
                              1. connects device to wireless/wired network
                                1. uses protocols
                              2. WAP
                                1. allows wireless-enabled devices to access net. without cables
                                  1. bandwidth=lower
                                    1. security=weak
                                2. SWITCH
                                  1. sends data between com on LAN
                                    1. only send traffic to correct device
                                      1. unrecognisable= broadcast packet to all connections
                                  2. ROUTER
                                    1. sends data between networks on WAN
                                      1. cannot access WAN without it
                                        1. uses IP address
                        2. DNS SERVER
                          1. Domain Name System
                            1. has list of all domain names and IP addresses
                              1. hosting
                          2. CLOUD COMPUTING
                            1. load files from any location and any time
                              1. data automatically backed up
                                1. large capacity
                                  1. share files easily
                            2. VIRTUAL NETWORK
                              1. part of a LAN/WAN
                                1. configured so that certain devices can see each other
                                2. SCALABILITY
                                  1. users can be connected to diff. switches but appear to be in same network
                                    1. bandwidth used more efficiently
                                    2. SECURITY
                                      1. users cant access other devi.
                                        1. COST
                                          1. don't need to change infrastructure as busi. changes
                                    3. VPN
                                      1. Virtual Private Network
                                        1. send data securely over a WAN
                                      2. PACKETS
                                        1. Packet number
                                          1. Sender and receivers IP address
                                            1. internet protocol
                                              1. set of rules that govern how devices communicate
                                        2. CABLES
                                          1. FIBRE OPTIC
                                            1. doesn't suffer from electrical interference
                                              1. transmit data through light
                                                1. covers longer distances
                                                  1. higher bandwidth
                                            2. COPPER
                                              1. electric conductor
                                                1. cheap +flexible
                                                  1. e.g. STP, UTP
                                                  2. disadvantages
                                                    1. shorter lifespan
                                                      1. corrosion
                                                        1. affects quality of bandwidth
                                                2. WHAT AFFECTS PERFORMANCE OF NETWORK?
                                                  1. cable(transmission media)
                                                    1. bandwidth - amount of data that can be transmitted in a certain amount of time
                                                      1. no.of users
                                                        1. distance - weaker signal if far
                                                          1. latency - caused by bottlenecks in infrastructure


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