Parts of the Digestive System


Biology Zoology - Exam 3: Body Systems (Lecture 12: Animal Nutrition ) Mapa Mental sobre Parts of the Digestive System, criado por augusteramos em 09-11-2014.
Mapa Mental por augusteramos, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por augusteramos mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Parts of the Digestive System
  1. 1. Oral Cavity - Pharynx - Esophagus
    1. A. Oral Cavity
      1. Mouth and Tongue


        • - Teeth begin Mechanical digestion - Salivary glands induce chemical digestion (Amylase) - Tongue - processes & distinguishes food; turns into a bolus; and pushed down pharynx 
        1. Amylase
        2. B. Pharynx
          1. Trachea (windpipe)
            1. C. Esophagus
              1. <
          2. 2. Stomach
            1. - below diaphragm
              1. - stores food


                • ~ 2L of food and fluid - empties ~2-6 hrs
                1. - secretes Gastric Juice
                  1. secreted by:
                    1. Chief Cells
                      1. Parietal Cells
                        1. Mucous Cells
                        2. Mixes w/ food to create Chyme
                    2. v
                      1. 3. Small Intestine
                        1. 4. Large Intestine
                          1. C. Rectum
                            1. B. Colon
                              1. A. Cecum
                              2. A. Duodenum
                                1. B. Jejunum
                                  1. C. Ileum


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