
Marla  Veroy
Mapa Mental por Marla Veroy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Marla  Veroy
Criado por Marla Veroy mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. What is
    1. To teach the reader bout a process
      1. Cookbooks
        1. Car repair books
          1. Computer manuals
            1. Sewing books
              1. Business book
            2. Basic kinds of process analysis
              1. Directional
                1. How to do something
                2. Informational
                  1. How something works or happens
                3. Topic
                  1. Scientific Or Natural
                    1. Textbooks
                      1. Course
                      2. Chronological
                      3. Historic
                        1. Chronological
                          1. Be organized by importance
                          2. Textbooks
                            1. Articles
                          3. Advisory
                            1. Self-help Books
                              1. A clear opinion can write this well
                              2. Chronological
                                1. Descriptive
                                  1. Advise
                                    1. Example
                                      1. Negative
                                        1. Analysis
                                      2. Organization
                                        1. First must be followed by the next step
                                        2. Special Notes
                                          1. Introduction
                                            1. Identify the Interviewee in the Intro
                                              1. Full name
                                                1. Tell us something about your relationship
                                              2. Body
                                                1. Ideas about "How to"
                                                  1. Summary paper
                                                  2. Conclusion
                                                    1. Summary paper
                                                      1. Opinion
                                                        1. Reaction in the conclusion
                                                      2. Grammar Tip
                                                        1. Transition
                                                          1. For the first step
                                                            1. Next
                                                              1. Then
                                                                1. After this
                                                                  1. At the same time
                                                                  2. Most importantly
                                                                    1. Crucial
                                                                      1. Furthermore
                                                                        1. Additionally
                                                                        2. Finally
                                                                          1. Ultimately
                                                                            1. Before you are done
                                                                              1. One last point is
                                                                            2. Description
                                                                              1. Advice
                                                                                1. Example
                                                                                  1. Negation


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