Narrative Steps


Mapa Mental sobre Narrative Steps, criado por Shari Powell em 10-11-2014.
Shari Powell
Mapa Mental por Shari Powell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Shari Powell
Criado por Shari Powell quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Narrative Steps
  1. 1.Black screen - BBFC
    1. 2.Green screen 'appropriate audiences'
      1. 3.Riley appears to get ready for a night out
        1. 4.Her phone rings , it's her best friend asking her if she's ready and going to the party tonight
          1. 5. Black screen 'paramount + cut throat productions'
            1. 6.She tells her friend 'I think someone's following me!'
              1. 7. Friend convinces her to come to the party anyway
                1. 8.At the party we see her with a drink - one of the villain's approaches her and tries to touch her in a sexual manner
                  1. 9. A friend of Riley/vilain tells Villain about her boyfriend's attempt - she's killed 3 days later
                    1. 10.Riley finds the dead body, and above there is a note written in blood red lipstick on the mirror
                      1. 10. Black screen *soft music/scary*
                        1. 11.Bath scene - Riley breaks down
                          1. 12.Villain's appear in mirror. "why do you look so shocked?"
                            1. 13.Title 'name of movie'


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