Farming Mind Map #1


Farming Mind Map
Alex W
Mapa Mental por Alex W, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alex W
Criado por Alex W quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Farming Mind Map #1
  1. Effects
    1. Economic
      1. Pros
        1. Source of income for many huge corporation companies
          1. More money made
            1. Advances in agricultural research
              1. Safer ways to eat and drink
                1. Happy population, Happy corporation
                  1. More people likely to go into industry
                    1. More money made by companies
                      1. Less reliance on imports
          2. Value for country
            1. More people recognize and respect country
              1. Country currency has higher value
                1. Can export products with more benefits
                  1. Advancements in technology (possibly from third world to first world country)
                    1. Mechanization in farming increases
                      1. More products made for less with machine
                        1. More money made by farmers and exporters
            2. Creates new jobs
              1. Agriculture is a big industry
                1. People are more likely to pursue agriculture related jobs
                  1. More tax dollars for government
                    1. Advances to agriculture and other industries/services
                      1. More advanced country
                        1. More immigrants and graduates
                          1. Immigrants and graduates need jobs
            3. Cons
              1. High expenses in marketplace
                1. People buy less of that product
                  1. Lower demand for product
                    1. Farms receive less profit
                      1. Farms go out of business
                        1. More imports needed to due less farms
                          1. More money spent on imports
                            1. Less grocery stores have food from their own land
                2. Low profit as farmer
                  1. Less likely to convince people to go into this industry
                    1. Less "family made" farmers overall
                      1. Need to mechanize due to low numbers of farmers
                        1. High cost of mechanization
                          1. Less likely to buy
                            1. Farmers go out of business
                  2. Fertilizer costs increased over past few decades
                    1. Went from $53 per acre to $166 in 1990-2015 (Schnitkey & Sellars , 2016)
                      1. Overuse of fertilizer to increase crop yield led to these numbers
                        1. Huge investments for people in farming industry
                          1. Bankruptcy is likely if not succesful
                            1. Empty farmland
                              1. Price of farmland grows the longer its empty
                                1. People less likely to invest in farming industry due to high prices

              Anexos de mídia


              Direito Constitucional - Brutal - Tribunais
              Rômulo Campos
              Princípios de Direito Processual do Trabalho
              Anderson Lopes
              Fórmulas de física
              Alessandra S.
              Grandes Navegações e Desc. do Brasil
              Direito Penal
              ERICA FREIRE
              Português para Vestibular
              GoConqr suporte .
              Guia de Estudos ENEM 2016
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              Sistema Nervoso
              Marília Mendes
              Imperialismo e Neocolonialismo
              Daniel Lima
              Patologia Geral - Hipertensão Arterial (Geral)
              Membranas e Citoplasma
              Marcos do Help