Nutrient Cycles Topic Overview - Co2


Mapa Mental sobre Nutrient Cycles Topic Overview - Co2, criado por Pipesweet em 23-11-2014.
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Nutrient Cycles Topic Overview - Co2
  1. Past Targets
    1. Bolder Headings
      1. More Detail
      2. Why CO2 is important
        1. <--- Structure of Leaf
          1. Stomata let gases in and out. CO2 is used in the light independent reaction
            1. It is produced in respiration and is released as a waste product
            2. Fluctuations
              1. Daily Fluctuations --->
                1. Annual Fluctuations -->
                  1. Since the Industrial Revolution there has been a general increase in CO2 Levels
                    1. In the day plants photosynthesise as light dependant respiration can occur.
                      1. At night plants so not photosynthesise and so do not use as much Carbon Dioxide
                        1. As the CO2 levels rise, so is the temperature
                        2. Ocean
                          1. The ocean can act as a carbon sink by dissolving CO2. Fossilisation also occurs which locks up CO2
                          2. Saprobionts
                            1. They hydrolyse carbon locked up in dead creatures. They do this by secreting enzymes in extracellular digestion. They also respire, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.
                              1. If an organism dies somewhere saprobionts cannot reach the carbon is locked up. This can occur in peat bogs, or in the Ocean.


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