
Mapa mental con diferente información sobre las plantas. Pensado para las clases de Natural Science de 2º o 3º de primaria.
Pensando Aprendemos
Mapa Mental por Pensando Aprendemos, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Pensando Aprendemos
Criado por Pensando Aprendemos quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. are living things
    1. are born
      1. in nature
        1. wild plants
        2. in gardens
          1. cultivated plants
        3. grow
          1. need
            1. water
              1. air
                1. sunlight
              2. die
                1. reproduce
                  1. using seeds
                    1. flowering plants
                      1. naked seeds
                        1. seeds inside the fruit
                      2. using spores
                        1. non-flowering plants
                          1. mosses
                            1. ferns
                      3. can be can classified as
                        1. trees
                          1. decidious trees
                            1. evergreen trees
                              1. have
                                1. roots
                                  1. trunk
                                    1. branches
                                      1. leaves
                                    2. bushes
                                      1. grasses
                                      2. have different parts
                                        1. roots
                                          1. stem
                                            1. leaves
                                              1. some have flowers
                                              2. can be
                                                1. edible
                                                  1. fruits, vegetables...
                                                  2. not edible


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