Involving patients in their own care


Mapa Mental sobre Involving patients in their own care, criado por Melissa Leal em 14-03-2019.
Melissa Leal
Mapa Mental por Melissa Leal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Melissa Leal
Criado por Melissa Leal aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Involving patients in their own care
  1. Benefits
    1. Improve outcomes
      1. Better control of chronic conditions
        1. Joined-up care
        2. Better experience of care
          1. Person-centred care
            1. Collaborative care
              1. Fewer clinical admissions
                1. Reduce strain of emergency admissions
              2. Prevention of complication/worsening of condition
                1. Empower patients
                  1. Autonomy
                    1. Build patient skills
                  2. Informed health decisions
                    1. Improve health literacy
                    2. Reduce cost of healthcare
                      1. Develop patient confidence
                        1. Improve patient participation
                      2. Strategies
                        1. Give patients choices
                          1. Patient education
                            1. Encourage involvement in handover, ask if patient has questions
                            2. Refer for support e.g. peer groups
                              1. Person centred care
                                1. Problem solving for each patient's needs
                                2. Collaborative goal setting
                                  1. Find out what matters most to the patient
                                  2. Non-judgemental attitude
                                    1. Staff training and evaluation
                                    2. Research
                                      1. Risks of lack of patient participation
                                        1. Less likely to act on advice
                                          1. Medication noncompliance
                                            1. Might not understand the importance of showing up for appointments
                                              1. Worsening of patient condition/poorly managed chronic condition
                                                1. Interventions not effective
                                                  1. Poorer health outcomes


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