"Agreements between Luke and Matthew
against Mark in the Triple Tradition material"
If Luke sometimes agrees with Matthew against
Mark in important ways, then Matthew and Luke
were not written independently of one another.
If they were not written independently of one another, Q is no
longer required to explain the Double Tradition material - for
this, Luke can be dependent primarily on Matthew.
Jesus being mocked -
Matthew 26.67-68 Mark
14.65 Luke 22.64
Q does not have, according to any of its
contemporary defenders, a Passion Narrative.
2. Passages in which Mark
is not the middle term
There are major agreements
between Mt & Lk
Commonly called the
'Mark/Q overlap'
3. The narrative
element in Q
Much of 'Q' is sayings
material / 'sayings source'
Beatitudes, parables, aphorisms,
exhortation and teaching material.
But it does has
a narrative order
Elements in the narrative
sequence show the clear signs
of Matthew's redactional hand.
4. Editorial
Evidence Luke became fatigued in
his redaction of Matthew
There is not evidence of Matthew becoming
fatigued in his use of Q, which is usual, as
he did in his redaction of Mark
Occam's Razor
British mediaeval philosopher
William of Occam
"Entities should not
be multiplied beyond
what is necessary"
No point to postulating a
hypothetical document when
we already have a plausible
theory in Luke's use of Matthew