The verb to BE


Mapa Mental sobre The verb to BE, criado por jacqui alfaro em 15-03-2019.
jacqui alfaro
Mapa Mental por jacqui alfaro, atualizado more than 1 year ago
jacqui alfaro
Criado por jacqui alfaro quase 6 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

The verb to BE
  1. There are three forms for you to use the verb to be
    1. Am
      1. With the following pronoun:
        1. I
          1. ejemplo: I am a student
      2. Are
        1. With the following pronouns:
          1. They, We, You
            1. they are students
        2. Is
          1. With the following pronouns:
            1. He, She, It
              1. he is a student

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