Cloud computing


Year 7 Computing Mapa Mental sobre Cloud computing, criado por Aiden Pearce em 24-03-2019.
Aiden Pearce
Mapa Mental por Aiden Pearce, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aiden Pearce
Criado por Aiden Pearce quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Cloud computing
  1. Saves a variety of files online to hard drives in a big hardware building thingy
    1. Storing files locally
      1. Hard drives - built in magnetic storage devices containing high amounts of storage
        1. secondary storage
          1. Solid state- things like sd cards and usb sticks. Very small and compact which leads to not having lots of storage space but are more durable than other secondary storage devices
            1. Optical- DVD's and discs. Can hold alot of files , lots more than solid state. Cheap and not durable
              1. Magnetic- Holds the most storage and is very durable but very , very expensive
          2. File management
            1. Must have a descriptive name
              1. Put files in the appropriate folders/subfolders
            2. Password security
              1. Must have at least 8 characters
                1. Mix of numbers , symbols, higher and lower case letters
                2. Something only YOU can remember
                3. Computational thinking
                  1. Algorithm - A set of instructions carried out by a computer system
                    1. Decomposition - Breaking down a large task into smaller , more managable tasks
                      1. Abstraction - Focosing on whats important , ignoring what is unnecessary


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