Walden Chapter 16: The Pond in Winter


Mapa Mental sobre Walden Chapter 16: The Pond in Winter, criado por Aziz Hanna em 14-04-2019.
Aziz Hanna
Mapa Mental por Aziz Hanna, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aziz Hanna
Criado por Aziz Hanna quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Walden Chapter 16: The Pond in Winter
  1. Thoreau goes to pond to get water, but has to make his way through the frozen ice.
    1. Later, he is joined by a group of fishermen on the pond.
      1. He says they are a part of nature like him more than a part of society.
      2. He wonders how deep the pond is so he measures it to the bottom with a stone and a cord.
      3. During the winter season, people from the village come to the pond to collect ice for the summer.
        1. On one occasion a villager fell into the freezing water and Thoreau took him to the house to get warm.
          1. Thoreau believes this was a consequence by nature because the people were not admiring the pond for its beauty, but were using it for their own selfish purposes.


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