Methods of Control Under Stalin


A/2 History Mapa Mental sobre Methods of Control Under Stalin, criado por Arni Lewis em 10-12-2014.
Arni Lewis
Mapa Mental por Arni Lewis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Arni Lewis
Criado por Arni Lewis aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Methods of Control Under Stalin
  1. Terror
    1. NKVD
      1. Gulags
        1. Show Trials
          1. these all encouraged denunciations and caused a quicksand society
          2. 1936-38: Purges
            1. Purged from all walks of life
              1. Political
                1. Kamenev, Zinoviev
                  1. Rykov, Bukharin
                  2. Secret Police
                    1. Yagoda
                    2. Industrial
                      1. Pyatakov
                      2. Army
                        1. Radek
                          1. Tukhachevsky
                      3. Economic policies
                        1. collectivisation
                          1. 5 Year Plan
                          2. Creation of a cult personality
                            1. Socialist Realism: early 30s; all mediums support the state
                            2. Three stages of Terror: 1930-34 Chitska 1934-36 Violent purges 1936-38 Yezovchina
                              1. Causes
                                1. Paranoia
                                  1. Trotsky sets up 4th International
                                  2. Wants to assert position as leader
                                    1. 1932 Riutin Platform: 'Stalin is the evil genius of the revolution'
                                      1. Does not have absolute power
                                    2. 1934 Congress of Victors
                                      1. Party wants to slow down 5 year plan
                                        1. Kirov receives more votes than Stalin
                                          1. Murdered in 1934; Stalin uses this as an excuse to purge party
                                      2. Consequences
                                        1. Caused destablisation
                                          1. Ruined the economy
                                          2. 1938: 1/20 had been arrested; 7 million people were in death/labour camps
                                            1. Physically and economically impossible to continue- prisons were overloaded
                                            2. All of Stalins oppostion [except Trotsky] had been crushed
                                              1. People lived in a state of constant fear


                                              6. New Economic Policy (NEP)
                                              From Tsardom to communism- Russia
                                              1928-1942 Industrialisation and the 5 year plans
                                              Joanna van Dyk
                                              3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                              5. War Communism
                                              4. Civil War
                                              Conferences of the Cold War
                                              Alina A
                                              Weimar Revision
                                              Tom Mitchell
                                              GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
                                              Ben C
                                              Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
                                              Alina A
                                              The Berlin Crisis
                                              Alina A