Family Life in Rome (#1)


Mapa Mental sobre Family Life in Rome (#1), criado por MADELYN SONNENBE em 12-12-2014.
Mapa Mental por MADELYN SONNENBE, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por MADELYN SONNENBE aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Family Life in Rome (#1)
  1. tci
    1. Women
      1. Rich women
        1. Bought and sold property
          1. Held their households
            1. Bought and trained family slaves
            2. Poor women
              1. Mandatory to work
            3. Men
              1. Rich men
                1. Held well political positions
                2. Poor men
                  1. Mandatory to work
                3. Children
                  1. Have to approve of baby, if not, baby becomes slave or left outside
                    1. Dad keeps strong babies
                    2. Family (everyone)
                      1. Women
                        1. Had no rights
                          1. Tought daughters how to behave and raise children
                            1. Could own property, inherit, and get a paid job
                            2. Men
                              1. Oldest man, ruled household
                                1. Had to teach son how to act in society and about academics and trades
                                  1. If didnt treat his family fairly, he was shunned
                                    1. Could send away family members
                                    2. Children
                                      1. Educated the best the family could do
                                        1. If talked back, could get sent away or killed
                                          1. Captured kids were turned into slaves
                                          2. Family (everyone)
                                            1. Lived together in one house or apartment
                                            2. Slaves
                                              1. Given food and water


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