An early arrival


Mapa Mental sobre An early arrival, criado por Dana Ali em 29-04-2019.
Dana Ali
Mapa Mental por Dana Ali, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dana Ali
Criado por Dana Ali quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

An early arrival
  1. Antenatal care
    1. Check for pre-eclampsia
      1. Check for anaemia
        1. Check for syphilis
          1. Give preventive measures
            1. Develop a birth and emergency plan
              1. In case one of the risk factors like placenta previa
              2. Advise and counsel on family planning
                1. Check for HIV status
                2. Stages of labour
                  1. Three stages of labour
                  2. Investigations
                    1. Normal postpartum changes
                      1. Low‑grade fever, shivering, and leukocytosis are common findings during the first 24 hours
                        1. Uterine involution
                          1. uterus returns to its normal size by the 6th–8th week postpartum
                        2. Clinical features of preterm birth
                          1. Regular uterine contractions and associated symptoms of labor
                            1. Cervical dilation ≥ 3 cm, effacement, or both
                              1. Premature rupture of membranes
                              2. Fetal presentation
                                1. PV examination
                                  1. Abdominal examination
                                    1. Auscultation (Doppler's)
                                    2. Risk factors of premature birth
                                      1. previous premature birth
                                        1. Pregnancy with twins, triplets or other multiples
                                          1. IVF
                                            1. Problems with the uterus, cervix or placenta
                                              1. Smoking cigarettes or using illicit drugs
                                                1. infections
                                                2. Complications of premature birth
                                                  1. Breathing problems: lack surfactant , may develop respiratory distress syndrome
                                                    1. Heart problems: patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and low blood pressure (hypotension)
                                                      1. Brain problems: risk of bleeding in the brain, known as intraventricular hemorrhage that may cause permanent brain injury
                                                        1. Behavioral and psychological problems
                                                        2. Apgar Score
                                                            1. First examination done
                                                            2. Examination of a newborn
                                                              1. Body temperature
                                                                1. gestational age, size, and weight
                                                                  1. Weight and length
                                                                    1. Heart and lungs
                                                                      1. Eyes and ears, mouth
                                                                        1. Spine
                                                                          1. Arms and legs
                                                                            1. Abdomen and anus


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