Top tips on how to use Twitter to learn English:


Mapa Mental sobre Top tips on how to use Twitter to learn English:, criado por May Abdullah em 16-12-2014.
May Abdullah
Mapa Mental por May Abdullah, atualizado more than 1 year ago
May Abdullah
Criado por May Abdullah quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Top tips on how to use Twitter to learn English:
  1. Short Sentences


    1. There is a 140 character limit on Twitter. This means everyone writes in short sentences. Reading short sentences is a great way of practicing your reading skills on a regular basis
      1. As Twitter is used every minute of the day, new words and trends will always be evolving, which means you will constantly see new words being used. In time, your vocabulary will increase
      2. Communities
        1. On Twitter, you only have to follow accounts that you’re interested in. This makes reading easier, as will be reading topics that genuinely interest you.
          1. You can follow people who also want to learn English, or people that teach English as a foreign language. You can engage in conversation with them and start your own communities using hashtags.
          2. Hashtags
            1. What is hashtag?
              1. Twitter users use the hashtag symbol to categorize tweets. These tweets show up more easily in Twitter search.
                1. Clicking on a word with a hashtag on any message shows you all other Tweets marked with that keywords.
                  1. Hashtags can be placed anywhere in the Tweet – at the beginning, middle, or end.

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