Inheritance and Selection Overview


This is a topic overview for the topic Inheritance and Selection.
Mollie Bedford
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Mollie Bedford
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Inheritance and Selection Overview
  1. Past Targets
    1. Label diagrams in more depth
    2. Key Terms
      1. Genotype - the genetic constitution of an organism
        1. Phenotype - the expression of the genotype and its interaction with the environment
          1. Allele - alternative versions of the same gene
            1. The alleles at a specific locus may be either homozygous or heterozygous
              1. Alleles may be dominant, recessive or codominant
                1. There may be multiple alleles of the same gene
                2. Locus - where the gene is located on the allele
                  1. Homozygous - where both alleles are the same
                    1. Heterozygous - where both alleles are different
                    2. Genetic Crosses
                      1. Dominant - Von Willebrands Disease
                        1. Recessive - Cystic Fibrosis
                          1. Codominant - Sickle Cell Anaemia
                          2. Hardy Weinberg
                            1. Conditions
                              1. No Mutations
                                1. No Migration
                                  1. Random Mating
                                    1. Random Fertility
                                    2. Gene Pool - all of the alleles in a population
                                      1. Allele Frequency - the percentage of the allele in a population
                                        1. Equation 1: p^2+2pq+q^2=1
                                          1. Equation 2: p+q=1
                                            1. Provides a mathematical model which predicts that allele frequencies will not change from generation to generation
                                            2. Selection
                                              1. Directional
                                                1. Stabilising
                                                2. Speciation
                                                  1. Mist
                                                    1. Mutation
                                                      1. Isolation
                                                        1. Selection
                                                          1. Time
                                                          2. Geographic Isolation separates gene pools causing changes in them
                                                            1. Reproductive Isolation - when the changes lead to the two populations becoming incompatible


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