P5 - Forces


Year 10 Physiscs Mapa Mental sobre P5 - Forces, criado por Isla Carpenter em 13-05-2019.
Isla Carpenter
Mapa Mental por Isla Carpenter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Isla Carpenter
Criado por Isla Carpenter mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

P5 - Forces
  1. Independent variable - What is changed
    1. Control variable - What you keep the same
      1. Dependent variable - What you measure
        1. Variables
        2. A non-contact force is a force that has no contact with anything.
          1. A contact force is a force that has contact with something else. Some examples would be: Pushing or pulling something and air resistance
            1. Air resistance is a contact force because if something was gliding through the air, it would be in contact with the air particles, meaning it is in contact wityh something
            2. Non-contact forces: Magnetism, static electricity, and gravity
              1. Contact forces: Pushing or pulling something and air resistance
                1. Different forces
            3. Scalar - Something that only has size
              1. Vector - Something that has size as well as direcion
                1. Vector and Scalar
                2. Newtons 1st law - Every object will remain at rest or in a uniform motion in a straight line unless an external force chenges its state.
                  1. Newton's 2nd law (simplified) - If an object with a bigger mass pushes an object with a much smaller mass, the object with the smaller mass will have more acceleration.
                    1. Newton's 3rd law - For every action in nature there is an equal and opposite force.
                      1. Newton's laws
                    2. Distance is how far you have gone
                      1. Displacement is how far you are from a certain point, it can be positive or negative
                        1. how to measure displacement:
                          1. (10 will be an example)
                            1. a² = b² + c²
                              1. 10² + 10² = 200
                                1. a = √200
                                  1. =14.1km
                        2. Distance and Velocity
                      2. Force = Mass x acceleration
                          1. Inertial mass = Force ÷ Acceleration
                            1. The bigger the mass of something, the less the acceleration will be
                              1. The bigger the force, the greater the acceleration will be
                              2. Weight = Mass x Gravity
                                1. Work Done = Force x Distance
                                  1. Speed = Distance ÷ Time
                                    1. Force of a spring = Spring Constant x extension
                                      1. Acceleration = (Final Velocity - Initial Velocity) ÷ Time
                                        1. Equations

                                    Anexos de mídia


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