The Power of Literature 1ab


Mapa Mental sobre The Power of Literature 1ab, criado por Nick Basire Year 9 em 04-06-2019.
Nick Basire Year 9
Mapa Mental por Nick Basire Year 9, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nick Basire Year 9
Criado por Nick Basire Year 9 mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Power of Literature 1ab
  1. Entertainment
    1. Emotional impact
      1. Recalling previous emotions and/or circumstances
        1. Escapism
        2. Experiencing new events through imagination
          1. Unrealistic, realistic or real events
            1. Can increase sympathy and/or empathy for others' experiences
        3. Different genres
          1. Comedy
            1. Gothic
              1. Horror
                1. Romance
              2. Education
                1. Recording information
                  1. People
                    1. Diaries
                      1. Biographies
                        1. Autobiographies
                      2. Events
                        1. Time period
                          1. Impact on literature
                      3. Gathering information
                        1. Development
                          1. Development of language
                            1. Development of culture
                          2. Provides knowledge
                            1. Improves vocabulary and grammar
                              1. Cognitive health
                                1. Helps with stress
                                  1. Helps with mental illness
                                    1. Improves attention span
                                    2. Improves emotion
                                      1. Can devlop imagination
                                        1. General knowledge


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