Roaring 20s - The Leisure Industry


Edexcel iGCSE history
Niamh MacElvogue
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Niamh MacElvogue
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Resumo de Recurso

Roaring 20s - The Leisure Industry
  1. Cinema
    1. Go to cinema more
      1. More disposable income
      2. Cinemas' facilities improved to make it a luxurious experience
        1. By 1926, over 17,000 cinemas
          1. 1927 - 'talkies'
            1. Sex appeal - male star Rudolf Valentino, 1926 was his funeral and 100,000 fans lined the streets
              1. USA less moral
                1. New type of entertainment and luxurious treat
                2. Jazz
                  1. Called 'Jazz Age'
                    1. Popular with young middle class white people
                      1. Older people disapproved - another drop in moral standards
                        1. Banned in some places - more exciting, attraction of speakeasies
                          1. Way to have more fun
                          2. More upbeat
                            1. Live performances on radio
                            2. Dancing
                              1. Charleston
                                1. More provocative than earlier forms of dance
                                2. Dancing more in public places
                                  1. Nightclubs
                                    1. Speakeasies
                                    2. Danced openly with men in public
                                      1. Became more of a fun past time than a formal obligation
                                      2. Sport
                                        1. Sports like baseball increasing in popularity
                                          1. 1924 - 67,000 watch a football match: Illinois vs. Michigan
                                            1. 1927 - 145,000 saw the boxing match between Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney
                                              1. Became a spectator occasion
                                                1. More accessible as broadcast on the radio
                                                  1. Sports people had a major influence, particularly on the younger generation
                                                    1. People such as Babe Ruth (baseball player) - weren't shy about drinking/smoking in the public eye
                                                  2. Motoring
                                                    1. Cars more af'Ford'able
                                                      1. Increasing popularity of motorbikes as well as cars
                                                        1. People able to travel further afield - companies more customers and workers
                                                        2. Radio
                                                          1. Enabled people to listen to sports, music and adverts
                                                            1. Main form of family entertainment
                                                              1. By 1930, 40% of homes had a radio
                                                              2. Made cheaper by assembly line production method
                                                                1. Made events accessible to people who could not [afford to] attend
                                                                2. Advertising
                                                                  1. Women used in adverts
                                                                    1. Mass production meant having to reach mass markets
                                                                      1. Many adverts focussed on women
                                                                      2. Radio and cinema provided a new medium of advertising
                                                                        1. Designers studied the psychology of consumers and created adverts using eye-catching colour and large fonts


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