Technological Tools in the ESL classes


Using Technological Websites in a Second Language Teaching.
Jose Alberto Murillo Rodriguez
Mapa Mental por Jose Alberto Murillo Rodriguez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jose Alberto Murillo Rodriguez
Criado por Jose Alberto Murillo Rodriguez mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Technological Tools in the ESL classes
  1. Online Websites


    • jhgujguyg
    1. Diigo
      1. a great tool for on line - research that allows you to save highlighted text from websites all to one place.
      2. Piktochart
        1. a wonderful application that allows unexperienced users to create very original and nice infographics and visual teaching – learning materials.
        2. Blogger
          1. hese allows you to record your own opinions, stories, and other writings as well as photos and videos that represents part of who you are inside and your own outlook of life.
          2. Goconqr
            1. A very useful on - line app to create mind maps and to create and share and create digital resources.
          3. Virtual Learning Environments
            1. The are learning plataforms wich provide activities and resources to improve the teaching - learning process.


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