Britain during World War 2


History (WW2) Mapa Mental sobre Britain during World War 2, criado por harryp0tter em 19-01-2015.
Mapa Mental por harryp0tter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Britain during World War 2
  1. How did Britain prepare for war?
    1. Issued everyone with a gas mask
      1. They were scared Germany would use gas like in WW1
      2. Started a Blackout
        1. Attempted to prevent Germany from hitting major cities
          1. People were fined if they allowed any light out
          2. They advised everyone to buy an Anderson Shelter
            1. Public shelters were set up for people who can't afford their own
              1. Wouldn't protect them from bombs, but would give them somewhere to hide if their house was destroyed
            2. Evacuation
              1. Moved children to the countryside
                1. Away from bombs
                2. Operation Pied Piper
                  1. Children were sent home after there were no bombs
                    1. The Blitz started and children were sent out again
                      1. Third wave when Germany sent down bombs
                  2. The government wanted women to carry out war work without having to look after their children
                    1. Positive Impact
                      1. New experiences
                        1. First time middle class people experienced what it was like for working class
                        2. Negative impact
                          1. Abuse
                            1. Had to work for free
                              1. Some people avoided taking evacuees
                            2. The Biitz
                              1. Germany sent bombs
                                1. British goverment introduced "The Spirit of The Blitz"
                                  1. Aimed to keep the British people optimistic about the war
                                2. Rationing
                                  1. Nazis aimed to destroy ships bringing in Britains supplies
                                    1. Clothes, food and petrol were rationed
                                      1. What was provided changed every month
                                        1. Clothes were a luxury- women had to "Make do and mend" with old clothes
                                        2. Government propaganda
                                          1. Aimed at mothers trying to send their children to the countryside
                                            1. The Spirit of The Blitz
                                              1. Made women contribute to the war effort
                                                1. Encouraged men to fight
                                                2. Impact on children
                                                  1. Better diets after rationing
                                                    1. Emotional trauma- no longer with families
                                                      1. Bad education after air raids interrupted lessons
                                                      2. Impact on women
                                                        1. 80% of married women worked and 90% of single
                                                          1. Men and the media tried to get women to leave their jobs
                                                            1. Increase in marriages after the war
                                                              1. Worked in munitions factories and other manly jobs
                                                                1. Government set up training schemes
                                                                  1. Were able to serve in armed forces
                                                                  2. Impact on immigration
                                                                    1. More jobs going free
                                                                      1. People came over to secure a job
                                                                      2. Some people disagreed with immigration
                                                                        1. Encouraged by richer people, discouraged by working class
                                                                          1. Working class suffered
                                                                          2. Recovering country needs more workers


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