Why was control of education so important to the Nazis government?


history Mapa Mental sobre Why was control of education so important to the Nazis government?, criado por Katie Watson em 03-09-2013.
Katie Watson
Mapa Mental por Katie Watson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Katie Watson
Criado por Katie Watson aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Why was control of education so important to the Nazis government?
  1. 97% of teachers joined the nazi teachers' league.
    1. lessons on "race studies" were introduced in all schools.
      1. 1937: The first special "Adolf Hitler school" opened.
        1. Nazis wanted to make sure Germans knew what a jew looks like.
          1. The children were also taught to check (spy) on their parents to make sure no jew was with them.
            1. The germans decided to put massive signs on each one of the Jewish shops so that no german man or women would step foot into the shop. (This was taught in school.)
              1. Within the school they also taught girls the way of their life; to be a stay at home mom and to be a good wife.
                1. Within the school they taught boys the way of life; to train to be a soildier and be a good husband.
                  1. They were taught different history lessons and hstory was moderfied to make the Nazis look good and powerful.


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