Reading check 1


Ethics in the use of information.
José Ramón Peralta Hernández
Mapa Mental por José Ramón Peralta Hernández, atualizado more than 1 year ago
José Ramón Peralta Hernández
Criado por José Ramón Peralta Hernández mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Reading check 1
  1. Freedom of speech / and access to information
    1. In other words freedom of speech allows everybody to express themselves in a free way.
      1. Free access to information allows everybody to know themes around the world that happen day to day.
    2. Plagiarism
      1. Use the rights of something that had already been registered.
      2. Legislation against plagiarism
        1. Common law.
          1. Makes reference to copyright
          2. Roman - Germanic legal tradition.
            1. Calls rights of the autor
          3. Apa References
              1. Ayala, E., García, S., Gil, V., Lozano, E., Muñoz, O., & Sobrado, R. (2014). Creativity and digital design ( 3rd ed., Vol. 1). Monterrey Editorial Digital. doi: 978-607-501-326-8.
                1. Getting Started With SCORM: The basics of initializing/closing a SCO and sending/receiving data - eLearning Industry. (2019). Retrieved 1 September 2019, from
                  1. 7 Ways Brands Are Evolving Their Message For Digital Video. (2019). Retrieved 1 September 2019, from
                    1. 15 Reasons Why Studying Industrial Design is A Good Option For You - Design Schools Hub. (2019). Retrieved 1 September 2019, from
                      1. Manufacturing Drawing Service | 2D & 3D CAD | CAD Outsourcing Company. (2019). Retrieved 1 September 2019, from
                    1. Jose Ramon Peralta Hernandez A01637109
                    2. Intellectual Property
                      1. Creations that are globally recognized by an international association
                        1. Copyright
                          1. Series of laws that protect music, books, logos, etc, from plagiarism.
                            1. Federal law of copyright
                              1. Article 13
                                1. Article 14
                                  1. Article 21
                                    1. In this article you can find those obligations the title holders have to apply in case of copyright and to maintain protection.
                                    2. Article that tells what type of sources can´t be used in copyright.
                                    3. Article that mentions that all types of media distribution can be protected in copy right.
                                    4. All this articles are regulated in Mexico in a certain way that in case that if the brand is registered in the country the association acts but if it isn´t, the association can not acts.
                                  2. Rights of author
                                    1. Rights that protect author works.
                                2. WIPO
                                  1. Industrial property
                                    1. It protects patents, designs and draws
                                      1. Copyright
                                        1. Examples
                                          1. Nike logo and swoosh, Billie Eilish songs.
                                          2. World Intellectual Property Organization
                                          3. A patrimonial right is the limitation of the author and its work, by modification at all time.
                                            1. Concerns economical benefits that can be used for the work.
                                              1. Contract
                                                1. Comes from latin "contractus" referring to a "Voluntary agreement between two parties that are legally capable of making decisions"
                                                  1. A contract can´t be able if:
                                                    1. "People that haven´t fully developed mind".
                                                    1. Streaming


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