
Mapa Mental sobre RSD, criado por Karim González em 23-01-2015.
Karim González
Mapa Mental por Karim González, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Karim González
Criado por Karim González quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Club Game
    1. Accept the Environment


      • Feel at ease with the music, the smells, the crowd. You are a part of the group, not an invader.
      1. Tips
        1. Indentify the Quiet Areas
        2. Dancefloor
          1. Enter On High Intensity


            • Engage with high intensity (different from high energy) and engage in small talk. Make sure not to peck, make her come to you. Talk loud.
            1. Keep Eye Contact
              1. Vocal Tonality


                • Talk through her, not at her. Speak from your stomach, do not choke your voice as you raise it.
                1. Body Language
                  1. Square Off To Her (?)


                    • Shoulder to shoulder. 
                    1. Extended Hand Shake


                      • Shake hands or Hi5 as you introduce yourself but keep holding it for as long as possible.
                  2. Get Her Off the Dancefloor


                    • As soon as you get a single IOI, get her off the dance floor and onto the quiet area. Make sure to use a time constraint.
                  3. Social Proof


                    • Be the guy who knows everyone in the club. You bring the party rather than being the lonely guy trying to get into other people's party.
                    1. Wingmen
                      1. Female Friends
                        1. Chain Reaction


                          • If you don't have female friends with you. Talk to any girl, whether attractive or not, that might seem into you or an easy hook. Then, have her introduce you to her hotter friends, hook one of them. Then take her with you to approach the hottest girl.


                    Porcentagens e Frações
                    Questões de Biologia (UNICAMP 2013, 2012 e 2011)
                    Dos Mitos à Filosofia...
                    Revisão de Química Geral (grandezas físicas, substâncias, misturas, estados físicos, modelos atômicos)
                    José Silva Santos
                    DITADURA MILITAR
                    Gabriela Vianna
                    Reino Plantae
                    Ricardo l.
                    GoConqr para Professores
                    Lilian Arruda
                    RESPONSAB CIVIL DO ESTADO II
                    Mateus de Souza
                    Apresentação da disciplina - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                    Jéssica Meireles
                    Matemática Básica
                    Hugo Fonseca
                    Year 4 - Semana 2
                    Juliana Campos