concept map contents of each unit


Valoracion y negocios
daryery medina
Mapa Mental por daryery medina , atualizado more than 1 year ago
daryery medina
Criado por daryery medina mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

concept map contents of each unit
  1. Unit 1-Intellectual Property and Business
    1. Intellectual Property Approaches and Strategies
      1. Intellectual Property Approaches and Strategies
        1. Intellectual Property—Defending Position
          1. nderstand the value chain of IP from innovation to commercial-ization
            1. Brand Protection and Management
              1. Intellectual Property Risk Management
                1. 7 - Intellectual Property Licensing
                  1. Commercial opportunity
                    1. Innovation/invention
                      1. Whether it should be patented or not?
                        1. Commercialization
                        2. Unit 2 - Technology valuation
                          1. The goodwill represents a key element of a business that determinates the customers
                            1. Valuation and Economic
                              1. Chapter 2: History and Taxonomy
                                1. Chapter 3: Theory of and Research on Intangible Assets
                                  1. Chapter 4: Accounting for Intangibles
                                    1. Chapter 5: Portfolio of Intangible Economic Benefits (PIE-B)
                                      1. are the intellectual capital such as human capital which include knowledge
                                      2. Unit 3 - Technology Negotiation
                                        1. Tactic #1: The Wince:
                                          1. Tactic #2: Silence
                                            1. Tactic #3: The Good Guy/Bad Guy Routine
                                              1. Tactic #4: Limited Authority
                                                1. Tactic #5: The Red Herring
                                                  1. Tactic #6: The Trial Balloon
                                                    1. Tactic #7: Low-Balling
                                                      1. Tactic #8: The Bait-and-Switch
                                                        1. Tactic #9: Outrageous Behavior


                                                        Terminologia Cirúrgica
                                                        10 Dicas para a Redação do ENEM
                                                        Alessandra S.
                                                        ATRIBUTOS DE UM LÍDER
                                                        willian reis
                                                        Genética Molecular
                                                        Gabriela da Mata
                                                        Direito Previdenciário
                                                        Taty Tesch
                                                        Gute Gewohnheiten erfolgreicher Schüler
                                                        Geografia - Cartografia
                                                        Jessica Caroline de Macedo
                                                        Palavras novas pro TOEFL
                                                        Jéssica Westphal
                                                        Mapa Mental - Fungos
                                                        Leonardo Bermudes
                                                        Patologia Geral - Hipertensão Arterial (Geral)