Cyber Crime & security


Mapa Mental sobre Cyber Crime & security, criado por Vantien Nguyen em 23-09-2019.
Vantien Nguyen
Mapa Mental por Vantien Nguyen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Vantien Nguyen
Criado por Vantien Nguyen mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Cyber Crime & security
  1. Cyber crime
    1. criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the Internet.
    2. Phishing
      1. Fake emails (such as lottery emails) requiring for personal information such as pin number, passwords, bank account number...
        1. A trick
        2. Check the link
          1. Look out for https:// , it is safer
            1. It could be forged
              1. Roll your mouse over it to check
              2. Dear Client or Customer ( or something general ) on the email is most likely fake
                1. Fake emails usually have grammatical or spelling errors
                  1. If there is an address on the email, check to see if it's fake
                    1. Hacking
                      1. The unauthorised accessing of a single device (such as a laptop or a smartphone) or a computer network, and those who engage in the activity are called hackers
                      2. Update your computer or phone to avoid viruses
                        1. More people are using technologie now
                          1. This is why the levels of hacking are increasing
                          2. Bank emails are usually fake
                            1. Their message is usually sent by physical letters
                            2. Real emails don't usually ask for personal information
                              1. Fake emails usually have a sense of urgency
                                1. Trojan horse
                                  1. In computing, a Trojan horse, or Trojan, is any malware which misleads users of its true intent.
                                  2. malware
                                    1. A software that has a virus in it and damages computers. Malware- malicious software
                                      1. Examples of malware are: Trojan horse, worms, spyware, advertisements, harmful links, virus... and lots more.


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